Wednesday 27 April 2011

Research into the music genre of R&B + Hip-Hop Final

Throughout doing research of my magazine I came to the conclusion of R&B and Hip-Hop genre, by this I was able to cancel down all the main magazines I would be researching. Flavour magazine was one of my favourite magazines as I believe it was aimed at the same age range of my target audience. Flavour is an online based magazine produced by local young people involved with the youths in there community. I was also highly interested into this magazine as I know one the journalist. I felt that this was very inspiring and exciting as I was able to share her view on magazines and the music industry. I like the front cover of flavour magazine as it is bold and the colours contract with the models clothing and the main headlines. This is very eye catching and makes the magazine look neat. Flavour is a free magazine which is usually promoted in shops such as footlocker, local youth clubs and radio stations. The text on the page is very clear it is not over whelming, the white text on the black background helps you quickly read what’s going on in the magazine. The masthead is covered by one of the models head although they do not do this in every issue, it still entices the reader to pick the magazine up as it looks interesting a looks as if it involves the reader

With vibe magazine I found that this magazine was a very urban magazine that focused mainly on afro American people. This magazine was great for me too look at as I was able to create and use the different codes and conventions from this magazine on my own make version. This magazine was one of the best magazines I have worked with as it was same features that I wanted to add to my own creation (magazine). Vibe magazine is based on the fresh new artists that are producing R&B and Hip-Hop music. By looking at this magazine I was able to gather new ideas that could inspire me for my own magazine as they were based on the same genre. Vibe magazine tend to always place the main artist that is featured in the magazine on the front cover. The artist is usually an artist that is new and popular within the community. The artist occasionally overlaps the masthead. I believe that shows identity of the magazine 'Vibe' itself. Looking at previous Vibe magazine front covers they always produce there magazines to be very eye catching and short and snappy. They achieve this by only having one image of the model on the front cover and hardly having any text around the models head this entices the reader to read on into the magazine by looking at the next page (the content page).

Within doing research of R&B and Hip-Hop styled magazine I noticed that they were all American based and that only one of the magazine I had focused on was made and published in the UK. Looking at the magazine Rap Up I found helpful number one as it was relating to the same topic as my magazine and also I believe it was aiming to attract the same target audience as I wish too. Rap Up I believe is a very attractive magazine because the glamorous images on the front cover of fresh new artist, I believe that the magazines tend to create the effort that its target audience is both male and female because of the colours used and also the context used inside the magazine. I have noticed with the style range used in most magazines they have a glamorous model on the front cover that is featured in the magazine and have the text around the model. Within in this front page I have noticed that the text isn’t over whelming for the reader and has enough to keep the reader interested. The font style of writing is highly attractive as it is bold bright and creative which allows the reader to appreciate the context of the idea behind the big clear writing.


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