Wednesday 29 June 2011

The meeting , newly and improved

Firstly we decided to create the script , using the same idea that we did with out first meeting . by doing this we stuck to the idea of using the tory line of the hills , and two friends meeting up to mend the broken friendship. By creating the script based on the hills the last time to improve the  short clip we decided to change the start of the film  by instead of the friends arranging to meet up they  bump into each other accidently and begin to start talking .
Our Script is listed below  :
( Jennifer and ria  bump into each other )

  • ria : kisses her teeth 
  • jen : ohh its you
  • whats going on ? we havent spoken in time  , things between us never got sorted . i heard you had something to say to me . 
  • i'm talkin to you 
  • Ria : i dont even know why your talking to me to be honest 
  • ( person in background "kiss teeth . your rude"0
  • jen : WHAT !!!!??
  • how can you  not be bothered to listen to me , you dont even look up when i come  and speak to you . your willing just to throw all our friendship away .
  • your just so stubbor , i dont undersgtand  so many people told me , you had something to say to me 
  • and here i am tryna mae an effort an talk to you and you dont even wanna talk to me at all . 
  • Ria : phhssstttt  
  •  My story board and shooting  schedule is listed below

Tuesday 28 June 2011

As media studies review ( my island )

  • In my island i  placed out a treasure map  ,  to show how i believe my as year went in media  studies , i believe that year 12  media was a success as i was able to complete the my coursework to the grade that  i wanted to achieve i was also able to have more time to perfect my coursework by taking new pictures and completing the exam with confidence  . On my island i placed a big bright sun on the top of the page , in the middle i placed things that i enjoyed to do , which was , coursework , blogging and photography as i believe i put the most effort into theses part of the task . By doing this i was able to use new and learn new skills :
  • Photoshop
  • Pages 
  • Imovie 
  • Blogger 
  • Macs 
  • Slide share
  •  I then moved onto the birds in the sky , that went to then went to the grey cloudss , this represented the parts of  the media course that i found difficult and tricky such as :
  • deadlines 
  • Essays 
  • Exams 
  • i believe that this year i have learnt alot about the music industry and i hope that next year i have the same success that i have had doing the as level . 

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Year 13 - filming

Task to complete : Task given was to create a short film that was based on a meeting of any kind .
My group consisted of :
Chelsea , Imogen and Benita
The task was to give us practice in filming and editing a short film . Before we started our coursework when we returned in september . we were given an hour to create two films between the four of us . using a flip camera , and a tripod  to hold the camera still.
We decided to base our meeting based short film on the a Tv show  The hills (mtv reality show)  . The short film was about a friendship that had been broken up and tried to mended although one of the friends did not want to resolve the problems ,
we had golden rules about filming around the school which were :

Firstly we had to create a story board, adding shot types and acts for the characters. We then had to make a script to match up with the storyboard in the theme of a meeting, firstly we made the film without a tripod, I believe that the film was a good start and the camera wasn’t as shaky as we believed it would be without a tripod. But on our second filming session we found it more difficult to position the camera where we wanted to, to produce the right camera shoot.

My group preferred to use the camera hand held as it was much easier to control the camera and a move it into the shoot type we need to form . Throughout this process we were able to connect the mini clips together on the mac's .Thorughout our filming we stopped and started to change shoot type and change position of of the camera to show fasical expressions.

I believe that the storyline behind the film was a good idea. And worked well thoughtout the filming  , also when we did connect the clips together they fitted together well , as if it was continutity editing . To develop the short film in a better way  i believe that we could  change the setting to create a better environment to the situation , also make the background sound lower, so you hear the actors voices properly .

 Click below to see the link to our film

Thursday 5 May 2011

Evaluation Question 7 .

Looking back on my preliminary task, I believe has made a big improvement throughout my progression to complete my full product. As creating and completing the preliminary task allowed my develop my  skills and improve the majorly to a higher standard to where I am confident to use Photoshop and pages without assistants .By creating the prelim I was able to experience how the software worked and was able to progressed my skills to a professional level . I feel that my final completion of my music magazine is a great piece as it relates to a real life magazine and as I was inspired by many other magazines that I felt were eye catching I believe I was able to make a eye catching magazine that highlighted everything need to make a good outcome .by using many different codes and conventions that u was unable to do whilst making my prelim as I was inexperienced .  I am extremely pleased with my music magazine as I think that I s eye catching and attracts the right target audience .The only thing I would change would be to add some more jewelery onto the models to make them look more urban rather than classy

Evaluation Question 6 .

Evaluation Question 5 .

Through doing my research and planning of building my magazine and having my magazine published, I was able to look how many different magazines were published, distributed and delivered to many different audiences in many different ways. Many urban magazines I found were based online such as:

• Yorap

• Flavour

• Singersroom

Looking at a variety of many different online urban magazines I was able to see that most of their websites promote a lot of merchandise, rather than promoting other new hip-hop artist. However looking at printed magazines sold in local stores I found had a website that wasn’t very appealing to it viewers so they would influence their readers to buy the magazine in person, rather than using the internet to catch up with the magazine. I believe that it is good idea to produce a website to for readers to log on to now and then, to catch up with out of date copies of the magazine if they couldn’t afford to buy the magazine that week. Having a website was also allow readers to have unlimited access to the latest thing going on in the magazine. I would like to have my magazine retailed in local newsagents and big supermarkets, such as Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury’s. I also think it’s a good idea to have my magazine advertised and sold in music shops such as HMV , as it sales a variety of music selection including my own genre so whilst in a music shop such as HMV your able to collect the latest style magazine that connects to your favorite genre . I also thought I would be a good idea to have my magazine retailed in stores such as footlocker and JD sports as I believe the promote a sort of urban dress style which is also portrayed in my magazine. The idea I had was when I personally saw the magazine flavor being distributed freely in footlocker and as magazine and flavor are along the same lines of topics, I thought it would be a good way to distribute my media product. I think it would be helpful if my music magazine was promoted at local raves and clubs that play my sort of genre of music promoted in my magazine

Evaluation Question 4 .

I believe that this question 4 was the most important question, as it was the main aspect as producing my music magazine. Throughout my music magazine I was representing the particular social group of my age group. In my magazine I hoped to represent a exciting , fun audience .To produce this convention I used informal vocabulary that I believe relates to the social group I have intended to present my magazine too .
I also used a variation of colours to make the magazine bright bold and vibrant to keep the reader interested.
I decided to relate to the local teenagers in my community , I wanted to create a magazine that would promote a social community that are friendly and encouraging of new talent .I believe that models in my magazines attract the particular social group that I have decided to attract . They have achieved this as by the clothing they are wearing, such as smart casual which doesn’t include the classic 'hood' look. By the models wearing the clothes they are wore I believe they have made a larger audience be attracted to the magazine as they have grins on their face it makes the magazine look friendly and socialable. Also the dress sense is very clean and tidy promoting the right dress type of a pimp style R&B Hip-Hop music video.

And lastly the price of the magazine promotes the magazine to young students as it affordable for a low student income, encouraging them to buy the magazine. Also the free £5 HMV voucher entices the reader to buy the magazine, as young people are in too music and freebies.