Thursday 5 May 2011

Evaluation Question 4 .

I believe that this question 4 was the most important question, as it was the main aspect as producing my music magazine. Throughout my music magazine I was representing the particular social group of my age group. In my magazine I hoped to represent a exciting , fun audience .To produce this convention I used informal vocabulary that I believe relates to the social group I have intended to present my magazine too .
I also used a variation of colours to make the magazine bright bold and vibrant to keep the reader interested.
I decided to relate to the local teenagers in my community , I wanted to create a magazine that would promote a social community that are friendly and encouraging of new talent .I believe that models in my magazines attract the particular social group that I have decided to attract . They have achieved this as by the clothing they are wearing, such as smart casual which doesn’t include the classic 'hood' look. By the models wearing the clothes they are wore I believe they have made a larger audience be attracted to the magazine as they have grins on their face it makes the magazine look friendly and socialable. Also the dress sense is very clean and tidy promoting the right dress type of a pimp style R&B Hip-Hop music video.

And lastly the price of the magazine promotes the magazine to young students as it affordable for a low student income, encouraging them to buy the magazine. Also the free £5 HMV voucher entices the reader to buy the magazine, as young people are in too music and freebies.


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