Thursday 5 May 2011

Evaluation Question 2 .

By haven chosen to produce a music magazine containing the music genre of Hip-Hop and R&B I was able to develop many different codes and conventions that are also contained in a real music magazine I was able to used this feature as doing research I was able to Articulate various ideas that are used in a real life magazine such as promotions , advertising , information , gossip etc . By constructing my music magazine and using the music genre of R&B I referred my magazine to a typical afro- Caribbean magazine which are usually involved and circulated around that sort of population. Also by including a glamorous male alongside to females artist I have constructed a magazine for both genders which is similar to other magazine although they usually only have one main artist on the front cover. This also makes the magazine more diverse. Other Codes and convention I used was the basics that must be on / in a magazine such as: a barcode, issued date, images, headlines and a masthead. 

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