Monday 28 March 2011

Design , Layout and Technique Research


Vibe magazine uses bright bold colours to advertise their magazine. They mostly place a photo in the middle of the screen of the main artist featured in the magazine, also placing the main concept about the artist alongside the image of them. The title is always at the top of the page which is bold. All subheadings and lures are also in bold writing in colours that contrast with background making them stand out. Attract you attention more. In vibe magazine they never cover the artist's face with writing; they fit the writing around the page / character. However the images look very airbrushed and glowed, as if the figure was jumping out the page.



Whereas in Complex they use a variation of bright and bold colours to attract the attention of young teenager’s. They also use a range of different fonts and styles such as bubble writing and adding images in the back ground of text. In this magazine cover they also feature the text around the image and don't cover the image in any way. The image also is very bold and clear of the main artist. I like this layout as I believe it is very attractive and eye catching; I hope to use certain aspects of the front page in my design, too help grab passes by attention to pick up my magazine and want to buy it. Although on this front cover there is hardly any writing and is quite basic. It looks very good as you don't have many things to read but everything on the page is like a lure wanting you to read on. I like this idea as it’s very simple but attractive.

 In the source magazine they allow the front image to cove some of the title, although u can still make out the words behind the image. The image covers the whole page whilst the writing is placed on top, meanwhile in other magazines the headlines and lures are placed around the image. I found this magazine very simple but it covers the essential needs for a magazine as it is attractive and eye catching with the different fonts of writing and the bold clear image. Also the border around the page catches the reader’s attention as contrasts with the title. This bold border and title shows a sign of importance.

Out of all the magazine I have researched about designs and layouts I believe that Wonderland was the best presented because of the dramatic effect given off by the image and the way the text is placed onto the page .Firstly the title is very common and basic but it high lights the status of the magazine because of the black and white against each other and the bold letters stand out above everything else. Also as the artist is wearing black making her stand out on the white background. The white background also shows where light is delegated from the camera or lighting in the room. I like the fact that the writing is not all over the page and only on the models clothing. I gather the fact that the front cover looks very tidy and neat as your only reading the title and the few headings on the figures body . A feature that I would use from this magazine is the contrast of using white on black as I feel it is very effective as it show boldness and status.

Lastly looking at the magazine flavour I believe that layout is very eye catching to entice the reader to pick up the magazine also they have a photo of brand new artist. The image is bold and stands out on the page. The masthead is very effect as it is bold and attractive to the reader as the gold on the black background contrast against each other .

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