Monday 21 March 2011

Flat Plans for Preliminary Task

  For the preliminary task was to create a magazine that was related to the Acland Burghley School such as a new school magazine that was for the students to have on a weekly basis . I believe that this task was easy once I was able to get onto the apple Mac’s and use the different software’s available .By creating a flat plan I believe was a good idea as I was able to gather thoughts and ideas on a piece of paper without getting stuck trying to think of ideas on the computer .
My first edit for the preliminary task shows above. I decided to design my preliminary to fit the purpose of creating a school magazine for students at Acland Burghley. The magazine includes a title, masthead, strap lines, inside features and the correct mode of address to fit the purpose. I firstly planned out my prelim task on paper to gather ideas and make sure everything could fit onto the page.
I also created a flat plan of my contents page to show how I wanted to layout the the images and text around the page.  By doing a flat plan of the contents page I was able to view and make changes if I believed the layout wouldn't work. 
I then created both pages using photo shop and pages; this enabled me to change the photographs and add different fonts and colour to colour cord the page. By using pages I was able to layout out the page very freely and drop images around the page. By creating my prelim I was able to do research and planning to view other magazines and get ideas for my own magazine cover. My prelim allowed me to discover a range of techniques to use on my magazine , It also allowed me to learn from doing my prelim how I could improve my magazine in the future  , by the corrections needed to be a proper magazine .

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