Monday 21 March 2011

Having chosen the genre of hip-hop R&B for my music magazine. I decided to research "Billboard magazine .By analysing this front cover I was able to collect different ideas on front covers. On this cover the masthead is very bold and strong allowing it to catch the reader’s attention when looking on a magazine section. It also features three different colours between the three middle letters.  There main image covers the entire page, with a famous singer on the front cover "Janet Jackson”. Having this figure on the front cover would also attract the reader to buy the magazine because she is very popular and trendy .In my magazine I have decided not to have a famous artist on my front cover but an up and coming artist that would be featured on my double paged spread . The strap line posted on this front cover is associated with image covering the page, linking them together shows they work. In my magazine I would like to link the pictures with the text, So that the strap line and the image are connected together. In the front cover all text is featured on one side of the page to avoid covering the singers face. In my magazine I believe that ill have text on both sides of the page. There is also two lures on the front of the page to want you to read on: "call on me, with Nelly " and "So excited featuring KHIA ". I think it’s a good idea to have a lure on the front cover of magazines as it interests the reader more to buy the magazine if there is something interesting to read on about. This magazine also features the essential front cover codes and conventions that are not elaborated above: price, date of issue, bar code and mode of address.

The music promoted by this magazine and also advertised on the front cover is shown in the link below:


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